martes, 19 de julio de 2011

Day 40.- This indescribable feeling

The only thing I know is what you told me,  and you didn't want to say anything else.
As I understood, I acted in a way that made you feel bad. But you didn't tell me more.
I'm not intelligent enough to figure it out by myself. That's why I asked and asked, I wanted to know. I wanted you to tell me. If I made a mistake, if I made you feel bad, let me know, so I can do something about it, so I could make sure that it won't happen again, but you didn't want to say anything.

You are not talking to me.

I have no idea why are you upset, and if you are not, I really don't understand why are you behaving like this. If I hadn't sent you a message in the morning, you hadn't done it either.  I wanted to hear you, as every morning, but today, that didn't happen.

I asked you, what do you need for me, what do you want, but you said "nothing". And I have no idea of what to do or how to behave, I feel that everything I'm doing is wrong. And I don't even know why.
I don't know what to do. And I hate, I hate this indescribable feeling.

So I will be here, loving you, thinking of you, trying to find out what I did and maybe you could say something more and we can fix this together...

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LoVB dijo...
